“Atlas Angels Gate” is a re-visitation of a performance Bach curated in 2007 featuring improvised soundtracks to a short film created from data collected on the grounds of Angels Gate Cultural Center. The new performance will sample audio and visual information from that 2007 event, along with material collected at SoundPedro 2017 and new data collected during SoundPedro 2018. The result will be a four-hour recording session, improvised live, with all tracks mixed, remixed, composed, and broadcast in the moment.

Glenn Bach is a sound artist and poet whose major project, Atlas, is an open-ended system of sound works, long poems, photographs, drawings, and performances that document his place-based investigations and projects. His ongoing curatorial project,, documents oral histories and interviews with artists, composers, educators, and other creative citizens about the places where we live and work. Bach leads the improvising ensembles Southern California Soundscape Ensemble, Double Blind, and Intense Situations of Peril, and oversees the MPRNTBL label.
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