Clowns and Fetuses

Clowns and Fetuses


Mysteries of Catalina Island

A sonic explication of things strange and wonderful in that lump of land looming in front of Angel’s Gate, including: the story of the giant humanoids unearthed by bizarre archivist Ralph Glidden; the haunted Avalon grocery store that has terrorized clerks for decades; the curious disappearance of socialite Eileen Jeffers; the Tongva Indian legend of Juana Maria, the lone woman of San Nicolas island; the wild Catalina antics of Harry Houdini and the mysteries of the Avalon Casino Mezzanine. Clowns and Fetuses will use loops, theremin, percussive objects, an abundance of homemade instruments and artworks to tell their story.

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Clowns and Fetuses has sonically skewed audiences since 2004 with improvised compositions covering every imaginable obsession. Using synthesizers, theremins, miscellaneous sound generators, random percussion objects and human voices, this ensemble presents themed events celebrating energy nodes of our weird and wonderful world. For example, in past years at Long Beach’s famed SOUNDWALK, C&F has done sonic send-ups of the semi-fictional Hypatia Waste Water treatment plant, the crypto-hominid cave creatures discovered by Richard Shaver and the legendary but now defunct Nu-Pike Amusement Park in Long Beach.

Posted in Artists 2019.