soundpedro 2021 participation: N/A
Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2021:
Music in boxes
Music in boxes is a project of small objects. These are meant to be in your house, in a corner of your desktop, a bookshelf, or any place you think is appropriate for them. Some of these make sounds, others are -intentionally- very quiet; but through their physicality and the texts written in them, explosions of sound will happen inside of you, in those moments in which you want to listen to what they are saying. These are objects to help you notice, dwell and listen to the world, loving life as it is.
So far, this ongoing project (that began on December 2019, and hopefully will have many years to come) has taken the form of eight different collections of objects, that I have been building -by hand- mainly using recycled and repurposed materials, and giving them to friends, so they can have their own experiences, at their own time and place.
My proposal for Soundpedro 2021 is to create (at least) 40 of these objects, in order to be handed to the people attending the festival throughout the day. Giving these objects as “presents” is an invitation for people to experience these objects in a personal way, at their own time, whether this means playing with them in the living room of their houses or while taking a walk in the city. Giving these objects to the people attending the festival, will allow me to expand the audience that has access to them.

María Alejandra Bulla is a composer and performer interested in the creation of flexible performance situations that allow individuals to experience art in a personal way. Her project, Time Canvases, is a non-fixed contemporary music ensemble that makes music in non-conventional settings, hoping to create experiences in which the music becomes part of everyday situations.
Artist Location: Valencia, CA
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