Phoebe Barnum & Beth Elliott & Turdmeister (BET QU)


June 5th Audioscapes

Coronoise: deflections of disquiet

VBODOBV | dEvolution: Personnel


“The Greeks imagine that, ‘there were three Sirens, part virgins, part birds,’ with wings and claws. ‘One of them sang, another played the flute, the third the lyre.’ ”
(from Isidore’s Etymologiae)

“If anyone goes near them/in ignorance, and listens to their voices/they will never travel back home.”
(from Homer’s Odýsseia)

Synopsis of Process:

(Amid the wail of sirens):

B: “The COVID-19 Dance & Dodge, with folks on the street, reminds me of the courtship displays of birds.”

E: “Between this delicious death mask bread, peeking out from between Matilija poppies and banana leaves, and the funk art costumes on our dancing skins, I truly feel memento-mori-nourished and agonistically avian.”

T: “Let me digest that.”

Materials: field recordings; voice & voise; neandertal flute; bird calls (including peacock, crow, and lyrebird); etc.

Return to Artists 2021 page

Phoebe Barnum & Beth Elliott & Turdmeister (BET QU)
Bewteen us: MOCA, Il Corral, The Craft Contemporary, LA Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles; Seattle Art Museum; Western Association of Art Museums; Smithsonian Museum; SoundWalk, Long Beach; Bayerische Staatsoper, Bayersische Staatsballet, Munich; Galerjia ’73, Belgrad; CEMC/EMSAN, Beijing; NUS Arts Festival, Singapore; Hong Kong Arts Centre; 1Teater Kecil 2Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia; Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival; Computer Music Journal [MIT Press]; NPR; Centaur Records; New World Records; National Geospatial Agency; National Endowment for the Arts; et al.

Posted in Artists 2021.