Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site June 3rd and online June 11th
La festa della Madonna del Pilerio I is a soundscape composition aimed at provide an aural representation of a religious celebration. The recordings used for the composition were recorded on February 12, 2020 during the annual celebrations of the feast of the Madonna del Pilerio, patron saint of the city of Cosenza. The rite of celebration includes several sound elements both musical and non musical: the Rosary, the prayer also sung and accompanied by the sound of the organ, the music of the band.
A very long crescendo create an emotional condition that culminates with the exit of the statue from the Cathedral: words, song and choral prayers are located in the low intensity range. At the other extreme of the dynamic range, the fireworks mark the dynamic climax with their loud intensity. The sound of the church bells approaching the passage of the procession and the applause and shouts of the people create a periodic background of medium dynamic intensity.
La festa della Madonna del Pilerio II is a soundscape composition aimed at provide an aural representation of the celebrations of the Madonna del Pilerio in Cosenza. The recordings used for the composition were recorded on February 12, 2020 during the annual celebrations of the feast of the Madonna del Pilerio patron saint of the city of Cosenza.
An entire community meets in the Cathedral on the occasion of this heartfelt religious celebration. The auditory landscape that characterizes this event is made off of words, the Rosary, the prayer also sung and accompanied by the sound of the organ. The rite of celebration includes several sound elements both musical and non musical creating an emotional condition that culminates with the exit of the statue from the Cathedral.
Earmaginations [silent videos] On-site June 3rd and online June 11th
Still (moving) life

Still (moving) life is a silent video that elaborates the still life tradition through the use of moving images. Flowers, plants and trees are the subject of the filming and their slow or fast movement becomes the object of observation by the viewer. The paradox of representation seeks to inspire a reflection on our way of observing and considering what is natural and what is artificial. The objective of the work is to tend to suggest new ways of relating to the elements of the Nature in which we live.
You, my only love

Two tiny human figures from a distance exchange amorous effusions on a beach during a rainy summer afternoon. This is how the creation of mankind as told by the Bible will have happened? Human beings, nothing compared to the vastness of the World in which they live, when they can find the love that inspires and guides their lives can produce forces capable of changing the entire Universe. Dedicated to all couples who love each other regardless of sex, race, religion, social, economic, political or ethnic membership.

Costantino Rizzuti is a composer and sound artist. He is author of pieces of acousmatic music and live electronics, sound and audio-visual installations and live performances presented in national and international conferences, festivals and exhibitions. He graduated at Conservatory S. Giacomantonio in Cosenza in Electronic Music. In June 2012, He won the IX edition of the national award for conservatory students “Premio delle Arti”, section Music and new technologies with the composition Advaita, for flute and live electronics. He is the founder of Artis Lab an electronic music studio in Cosenza devoted to the design and construction of new experimental electronic musical instruments.
Artist Location: Cosenza, Italy
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