Video presentation Online TBA Oct 27 – 29:
Secrets Beneath the Whispering Leaves

How do you prioritize presentation and aesthetics when plating soups and salads? What techniques do you use to ensure consistent quality and flavor in soups and salads? We asked ourselves these questions, and many more. The only possible answer is “Secrets Beneath the Whispering Leaves

M A Harms is a Los Angeles based composer, instrument builder, and performer who explores the intersections between grief, gender, and sex through a combination of text and sound. Performance art is a major component of their work, as they believe that sound and visual aesthetics are equally significant within their art. M navigates literal stories and personal life events via sound practice, obscuring them to the point that they begin to bridge the gap between individual and “universal” experiences.
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Clare Marie Nemanich is an award-winning theatrical sound designer and experimental artist who delights in bringing the sounds in their head to life. Their sound design draws from a well of influences and inspirations: A career in talk radio, a musical ear, an appreciation of nature, an interest in how sound and resonance can affect the body and mind, a sense of timing honed by a lifelong love of classic radio and television, and an inclination toward disruption and the weird. Recent theater design credits include Etta and Ella on the Upper West side at REDCAT and Augustine Machine with CalArts Center for New Performance in Paris.
Artist Location: Los Angeles, CA
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