Jose Trejo Maya

Jose Trejo-Maya

Jose Trejo-Maya is a remnant of the Nahuatlacah oral tradition a tonalpouhque mexica, a commoner from the lowlands from a time and place that no longer exists. Born in Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, where he spent his childhood in the small rural pueblo of Tarimoró and wherefrom he immigrated in 1988. Published in various journals/sites in the UK, US, Spain, India, Australia, Argentina, Germany and Venezuela. Pushcart Prize nominee in 2015; awarded Tercer Premio from El Centro Canario Estudios Caribeños – El Atlántico – en el Certamen Internacional de Poesía “La calle que tú me das” 2016. New Rivers Press Many Voices Project.

Artist Location: Baldwin Park, CA


June 5th Audioscapes

Transparent thoughts & Oxomoco

Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2021:
Transparent thoughts
Plastic transparency film.

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