
Hailing from the planet Saturn, Neyva is a multidisciplinary alien artist from outer space here to save the human race. Their music is vulnerable, futuristic, eclectic, experimental, and otherworldly, alongside their engaging stage presence. In this lifetime, they’re self taught as well as in music programs since middle school. They were in and out of college, ultimately leading to them carving their own path through LA queer nightlife in 2019, and finally making their LA Pride debut in June 2023. They’re also a 2022 grantee recipient of the Rising Artist Foundation grant in which they were under the direction of Nicolas Jaar and had music released under his label Other People. They strive to cultivate their own musical universe by showing planet Earth a new perspective through their vision, carving their own path, collaboration, following their heart, pushing through internal/external adversity, being themselves, and most importantly, saving the world from musical and personal alienation.

Artist Location: Southeast Los Angeles, CA

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nomad III soundprints

Neyva is a multidisciplinary artist who embraces futurism, alien ancestry, alienation, vulnerability, cacophony, abrasion, grief, & their emotions through the celestial musical universe they encapsulate through their ethereal vocals, immersive stage presence, & eclectic music. Through the dichotomy of these elements, they strive to create a universe for those who resonate with these experiences, heal through the frequencies they emanate and cathartically release with each performance.

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