Wabi’Sloppy (pronouns: dependent on code/context/comfort), is an artsy-ist and accomplished “artoiserist” whose eternal tinkering awaits total imperfection in the afterlife, where perfection happily can NOT… unless Endpoint be the everlasting present wherein imperfection has attained self-reflexive and perfected im.
Until then…
methodology is amused by literati aesthetics and the related et al.
Calculated awkwardness is mindfully cultivated so as to differentiate artistry from mere craftsmanship, and the “in your face incompetence of post-modern performance practice,” along with art-making as appropriative act , dilineates WS’s “artoiserie” from even merer artistry.
(ws denies any supposed association with “legit” artists and art institutions.)
Mascot of Ceremonies:
The Mɪŋɡ(ə)l’r (performed by wabi’sloppy), as seen throughout soundpedro2023.

Mascot of Ceremonies:
BounceBack Buzzy (performed by wabi’sloppy), as seen throughout soundpedro2022.

Mascot of Ceremonies:
EARMAN (performed by wabi’sloppy), as seen throughout soundpedro2021