David Casey’s current artistic practice is based at the intersection of kinetic sculpture and sound installation. His strongest recent work in this area, entitled, “Why I Stopped Playing the Guitar,” is a kinetic sculpture examining the history of the electric guitar and its changing value as more of our sound and music is being made by machines. An electric guitar, suspended from a pulley/motor system at the ceiling, repeatedly smashed on the floor of the gallery while plugged in to an amplifier. This auto-destruct sculpture functioned equally well as both a visual and a sound piece.
Casey’s art practice allows him to connect with others through discussion and exchange of ideas. He believes in socially engaged work and find too often technology art bypasses critical and conceptual rigor in favor of technological novelty. He strives to use art and technology in service of meaningful social statements.

Drawing upon years of experience as a musician and composer, Casey earned my bachelor’s degree in music composition in 2001. His sound art practice grew out of his musical practice. His decision to focus on sound art and visual art rather in addition to music began with the desire to explore social, political, and aesthetic questions in a manner that music could not.