soundpedro 2021 participation: N/A
Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2021:
Singing Gargoyle
I would like to construct a gargoyle with a hidden speaker inside. The gargoyle will have a light switch on its belly immediately over the gargoyles flaccid phallus. When switched on, the sculpture will croon an altered soundscape, a love song distorted to have spooky or menacing overtones. The sculpture will sing the same song, in a loop. The playlist could be extended with more soundscapes depending on how many suitable candidate i find following research into music history and the surrounding issues concerning copyright. My target genres are crooning love ballads from the 1950s within the genre of country music or pop classics. I am confidant I will find suitable candidate with either free use or inexpensive creative use copyright status. For reference, my initial vision included a soundscape which sampled Roy Orbison’s cover of “Blue Moon.” The gargoyle’s torso will be cast in plaster from a human mannequin mold while the head will be a hallow cap baring a hand-carved and monstrous visage. Inside will be a speaker, insulated by stone and felt, with an small passage leading from the speaker to the base of the head. The intended effect is to give the the viewer the illusion that the sculpted head itself is singing. Viewers will be encouraged to flip the switch on the sculpture’s torso on and off, awkwardly braving proximity to a sculpted penis to interrupt or resume the sculpture’s singing.

Henry Krusoe is a resident sculptor and installation artist at Angels Gate Cultural Center. He specializes in combining digital projections with sculptural surfaces and screens.
Artist Location: San Pedro, CA
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