Karena Massengill


Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2021:
Spoken Ice
Spoken Ice is an installation using steel turning lines that have hanging small pieces of glass, different colors, and abstractly referencing leaves on a tree dangling at different heights and levels, that will emit tiny tinkling sounds as in the winter when there is an ice storm and afterwards you can hear the sounds in the trees. This will also reflect winter and climate change. A microphone will amplify the sounds and lighting and create silhouettes.

It will work best visually if it is nearer one of the buildings, or within the gallery near a white wall, as the lines will get lost visually out in the open. The motion of the glass pieces will be created by the wind outside or a fan inside.

My passion about climate change is the footnote for this project. The dichotomy of the interchangeability of the seasons as we are living with them in real time, is another interpretation. 

I hope to inspire some of the observers to become more attuned and sensitive to these unfortunate happenings and possibly aspire to do their own small part in helping to alleviate our progression toward the destruction of our earth as we know it.

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Karena Massengill has a Master of Fine Art in Sculpture from California State University at Fullerton, a Bachelor of Fine Art from Philadelphia’s Temple University, Tyler School of Art, and a Bachelor of Art Education and Industrial Technology from the University of Toronto in Canada.

Originally from Ukiah, California Karena lived in Toronto Canada for 11 years before returning to Southern California in 1986.

Artist Location: San Pedro, CA

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Posted in Artists 2021.