Alexandros Hadjitimotheou


Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site and online June 4th

While making this piece i was thinking about the importance of water for human life. Our body is full of water, we wash our self with water, we put fountains in central parks, the flow of a river keeps us calm and when we want to forget we go to the sea. As all the waters ends up in the sea. Water is a substance which is not impenetrable. It accepts us through it’s body. These thoughts are behind my piece ‘Riverphonics’.

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Alexandros Hadjitimotheou, Composer/Music Teacher.
I am a composer and sound artist. My pieces explore the way a human body experiences sound in nature. What acoustical phenomena mean and how we engange with sounds. My work is inspired by the Ponty’s book ”Phenomenology of perception”.

Artist Location: Greece

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Posted in Artists 2022.