Alexandros Hadjitimotheou

Alexandros Hadjitimotheou

Alexandros Hadjitimotheou (1997) is a composer and sound artist based in Greece and Italy. Currently he is a student at the Tor Vergata University of Rome where he stundies “Sonic Arts”. His work have been performed in several places around the world and his interest is around soundscape composition, field recordings and sound art.

Artist Location: Florina/Greece

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UnƧightly [Sound Poetry]

I admire the way that Renos Apostolides used to read the poems. He had a passion about transfering the world of the poem through his voice. That’s why I decided to use for this miniature his voice, with the rich timbre and dynamic changes.


Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site and online June 4th

While making this piece i was thinking about the importance of water for human life. Our body is full of water, we wash our self with water, we put fountains in central parks, the flow of a river keeps us calm and when we want to forget we go to the sea. As all the waters ends up in the sea. Water is a substance which is not impenetrable. It accepts us through it’s body. These thoughts are behind my piece ‘Riverphonics’.

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