Becky Grajeda and Charlie Schneider


Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site June 3rd and online June 11th

(Becky Grajeda solo)
This is the two-channel version of the three-channel site-dependent sound installation Veletržní. Grajeda recorded the sound of a dysfunctional elevator and removed the loudest moments in the recording, leaving silence for each cut. The source recording was made in Prague, Czech Republic in 2010. 

Pedalboat on the Vltava 
(Becky Grajeda and Charlie Schneider)
Pedalboat on the Vltava is a two-channel version of a field recording-based composition by Becky Grajeda and Charlie Schneider. The source recording was made while pedal-boating on the Vltava River in Prague, Czech Republic in 2011.

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Becky Grajedais a sound and performance artist and theatrical sound designer of Mexican and European descent based in Chicago. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kenyon College and Master of Fine Arts degree from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her abstract sound collages and installations primarily focus on the intricate sounds of everyday mechanical objects. In her direction-based and/or improvisatory sound performances she experiments with the perceived meaning in texts by authors such as James Baldwin and Bohumil Hrabal when read aloud simultaneously or repetitively by performers of different ages and ethnicities.

Artist Location: Chicago, IL

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Posted in Artists 2023.