soundscapes On-site June 1st and online June 9th
Requiem: GDB Lamppost SWXX
“Lamppost SWXX” is a field recording taken on the old Gerald Desmond Bridge in Long Beach in October of 2013, a few years before its demolition. A contact microphone was placed on one of the galvanized steel lampposts near the west end of the bridge, right next to the roadway, and connected to a hand-held digital recorder. Each lamppost along the bridge resonated with its own complement of rhythmic sounds, stimulated by the wind and the constant, heavy midday port traffic coursing nearby; no manual tapping sounds or “musical” rhythms are present. The original sound sample has been trimmed and normalized, but otherwise represents what a passer-by could once hear by pressing their ear against the metal on a busy Saturday afternoon.

Sculptor, videographer, and electronic music composer Dave Ayer studied art and physics in the US and has been building electronic and virtual performance instruments since 1987. His audio oeuvre ranges from conventional songs and lyrics to experimental electronics and freestanding sound sculptures. He is currently designing and building aeolian harps.
Committed to the open-source and creative commons communities, Dave makes much of his work available online for others to reuse and remix. In this spirit, he launched the web site in July 2009.
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Artist Location: Campbell, CA
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