iChing is a series of live experiments that playfully combines divination, electronic music, and collective ritual. Performances draw on the I Ching – an ancient Chinese divination system based on elemental relationships observed in the natural world. Each reading begins with a randomly generated six-note melody, which is then translated into an I Ching hexagram and ideogram for the audience to interpret. The subsequent performance is a convergence of calligraphy, sound, melody, and movement, inviting audiences to feel the presence of the performance as it unfolds in real-time. Musician Kenny Zhao and movement artist Young Tseng channel these fluid elemental relationships through their improvisation, inviting the audience to take part in a collective daydream.

Kenny Zhao is a genderqueer, cyborg magician playing at the intersection of music, divination, and technology. Much of their work deals in spotlighting the listener’s attention and imagination in the creative exchange of live performance.
Zhao is joined by Malaysian-Chinese mime & movement actor Young Tseng, whose work has been featured at soundoedro several times in the past.
Artist Location: Los Angeles and Claremont, CA
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