

On-site event June 1st

No-Input Mixing on the Astral Plane
A new media grouping of artist creating experiential art that blends together both audience and performer. Using invented instruments, no-input mixing, visual sonification, glitch remixing and pure noise, sound and visual components come together through a dynamic and collaborative improvisational scoring.

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The experimental time-based arts collective //sense showcases experimental community theater performances, exhibitions, and screenings. Counteracting the marginalization of time-based arts, //sense fosters a collaborative common ground for sound/video/performance/media artists to create gesamtkunstwerk through synergy. //sense encourages two maxims: “making good communities better” and “finding arts in all things.” //sense creates brave spaces for participants to unleash their imagination in artmaking through deskilling and unlearning.

Artist Location: Chicago, IL

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Posted in Artists 2024.