Andre Perim is a Multimedia Artist, Musician and Composer. Born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, his work is focused in a critical view of the relation between technology and language in the digital era.
In 2017 released “Side Effects” produced for the internet during a long period inside a hospital due to a cancer disease treatment. In 2022 “Side Effects” became a radio show broadcasted by RTM FM in London. In 2020 produced “XAM”, dedicated to the indigenous Brazilian people, and broadcasted at The Climate Change Conference COP 26 (2021) in Glasgow (Scotland).
His work was presented in several festivals Around the world such as Soundpedro (USA), Ecos Urbanos (Mexico) and FILE SP (Brazil).
Artist Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Social Media:
Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site June 3rd and online June 11th
Ohm Drone
Ohm Drone is a sound work where the human voice is desconstructed and reshaped throughout a synthesizer.
Deus ex machina
Deus ex machina is a collage of urban and household sounds inspired by the concrete music and noise culture.
Description goes here
Earmaginations [silent videos] On-site June 3rd and online June 11th

Mofo/Mold is a video art work that proposes a dialog between the analog and digital worlds. Photos taken from a fungii infected magazine were captured in several ways, using digital microscopic and macro-lens photography and reprocesssed digitally until their origina shape were damaged , giving way to new graphisms and connections. The result leds to an abstract and surrealist atmosphere.

Skin is a poetic journey through graphic textures of diferents plants and trees skins .The work makes an imaginary relation between the the human musculature and the surfaces found in the vegetal kingdom.
Video presentation Online October 29
Sound Improvisation for Melting Ice

The work is based in a video recording of a melting ice made through a digital microscope.
The sound track was made with virtual synthesizers operated by knobs and a prepared piano reprocessed through granular synthesis.
Soundscapes [audio tracks] On-site and online June 4th
Electronic Possession
ELECTRONIC POSSESSION is a Sound Art work based in an imaginary Sci-Fiction movie where machines are possessed by an some kind of supernatural entity. The work was made using several tools and techniques such as MAX/MSP programming, Midi sonification and Pink Trombone human voice synthesizer missuse. The work deals with glitch art, humour and grotesqueness.

The Artist uses glitch art and digital deterioration techniques to build a virtual journey into the underground of an imaginary metropolis
Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2021:
“Coagulation’ is an electroacustic stereo composition based on the process of Alchemy.
It is stated as the seventh and last stage of Alchemy (Calcination.Dissolution.Separation.Conjunction.Fermentation.Distillation.Coagulation)
The original composition was produced from March to May 2020 and it is 7 minutes long.
A shorter version was produced to be presented in soundpedro.
“Coagulation” received in 2020 a award by the site the site Sound-Silence Thought.
“INFOTOXICATION” is originally an audio-visual work and was presented in several festivals around the world. For SoundPedro, a audio version was produced, opening new possibilities for the understanding of the work.
INFOTOXICATION, Infobesity or Information Overload is a concept that describes a state of paralyzation caused by the excess of data. An spoken language was created through artificial means (Voice Generator, Vocoder, Audio manipulation) and presented in a vertiginous pace to create an atmosphere of chaos and claustrophobia.
As a video work it was screened in the New Wave Movie Festival (Hong Kong), Loading Festival Day (Portugal), Refluxo Festival (Brazil), Digital Art Festival (Bulgaria), and Video-Art Forum (Saudi-Arabia), Malabo Film and Music Festival (Guinea)- All in 2019, Switch Festival (Netherlands), Toxicity symposium at the Chitkara Art and Design School (India), 6th International Exhibition on New Media Art 2020 CICA Museum (South Korea).