Angela is a multi-disciplinary artist interested in alternate modes of Art in public spaces. And shit she is good!
Artist Location: Long Beach, CA
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Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2020:
foul play – interpretative bird calls
On the night of Soundpedro 2020 we will have participants interpret bird calls on a Karaoke machine. They will be recorded in real time and played back using surround sound into another space, where a live bird will be in a cage.
Angela Willcocks is an interdisciplinary immigrant artist and her practice is collaborative and exploratory, she works like a scientist – research, hypothesis, testing and implementation. She has a fascination with the local and global, big data, technology, traditional art and the community participation. Recently her practice has been 3 – 10 sec videos on instagram.
the fly
if flies could talk – buzz buzzz
the hearing impaied sign sounds
Barfly was filmed in San Pedro
Charles Bukowski lived in San Pedro
he wrote a poem about a fly
flies wings vibrate creating sound
if you watch a soundless video of flies you can hear their wings
sign language provides manual codes for sounds
I heard a fly buzz_ when I died emily dickinson