the2vvo is an artist duo based in Berlin, Germany, made up of Eldar Tagi (sound**) and Lena Pozdnyakova (architecture/sculpture*). As part of their interdisciplinary artistic research, artists explore the complicated dynamics between the objects, spaces and sound through recordings, acoustic sculptures, and live audio-visual performances.
Artist Location: Berlin, Germany
Social Media:
Virtual BreakOut During the OutBreak Videos [VBODOBV] II
Virtual Breakout During the Outbreak June 6th Livestream
Mescalito’s Whistle

Proposed work as accepted for soundpedro 2020:
the temple of para-sonic activities
Throughout the history, mankind expressed the relationship with the surrounding world through formal language and abstraction. The remarkable artifacts of these translations were often born in the moments of tension and even pain. Such ornaments often took forms of repetitive patterns on adornments, ornamented marks, heavily decorated totem objects and tattooed skins of the people. In previous epochs, these fears were often constructed around natural disasters. Water, fire, air, earth – were all part of the narrative that depicted the environment as something not only powerful, but super-powerful—completely uncontrollable and unpredictable. Altars as spaces of worship, and rituals as methods of worship naturally developed as tools to communicate with higher powers. Based on how long these elements stayed in our cultures, albeit changing and transforming, they certainly were and still are effective in, if not alleviating the impending circumstances, but certainly coping with them. As we carve our way into the age of the Anthropocene, we come to a sudden realization that we ourselves have become one of these fearful and untamable superpowers. Our relationship with technology presents an interesting paradox, where it acts as both a cause of our fears, and a platform for coping with it. We use common ritualistic elements such as masks, costumes, sound, and repetition in order to explore the incarnation of ritualistic practices applied in a modern environment.
live audio-visual set
Performance of an audio-visual live set utilizing found objects for sound and video.
Circumstances (etude#2) is an installation that takes a form of a responsive noise sculpture situated within a space. Audience is both observing and influencing the behavior of the sculpture’s fragile form correspondingly affecting the sound output.
This piece is second in a series of sound studies related to material behavior and causality of environment in the shape and behavior of the artwork. The idea behind is deeply routed in the2vvo’s personal experience and triggered by the undergoing drastic transitions from Kazakhstan to Germany to Los Angeles in the recent years and personally observing how a simple change facilitates a chain of events that form the overall state of existence. With this series they are aiming to set this “circumstances” to regular objects and are particularly interested in how the surrounding reshapes individuality.
In terms of artistic expression and actual sculpture it would be important to outline that while the concept for the Etude#1 was mostly built on physical touch as a trigger for change of the soundscape, for the Etude#2 the2vvo’s aspire to create the pattern of movement that would change the surface of the sculpture autonomously from the the audience touching the object.
Rhythm, hence soundscape changes due to information sent by the trigger (either photocell, change of surface pattern or physical touch of the sculpture).