Betsy Lohrer Hall

PARTICIPATION Interactive Activation April 9 – June 4th: Here Hear, 2022 in proximity, in real time This is a series of sound-sensitive, site-interactive activities that will take place in and around Angels Gate Cultural Center through June 4. Betsy Lohrer Hall and several collaborators will consider the physical experience of sound perception, experiment with sound […]

Karolina Lavergne

Karolina Lavergne

PARTICIPATION All I Want Now – Audio Collage All I Want Now is an audio/video collage made of combined diegetic sound recorded from actions filmed and placed on loop, alongside of the non-diegetic sound of a voice over. Layered upon each other the sounds simultaneously merge with and combat against each other forming a rhythmic […]

Mathilda LaZelle

Mathilda LaZelle

PARTICIPATION Viscus FermataThe proposed work Viscus Fermata is part of an ongoing exploration of the strange and unfamiliar landscapes accessible just beyond ordinary human perspective. Inspired by gestational ultrasound, the artist sampled her own abdomen with a fetal doppler to produce the primary soundscape. When the doppler picks up friction from the skin the video […]

Zaq Kenefick

Zaq Kenefick

PARTICIPATION SNARE DRUM SOLO III Snare drum solo iii is a 20′ tall, free-standing gutter downspout fitted with an electric pump to produce a continuous rhythmic stream of drips. there is no snare drum. but the semantic centering of the title alludes to a specific mode of listening for the audience. some of the trappings […]


PARTICIPATION Sovereign State of Mind: Anthem of New Abalonia wikiGong presents an audiovisual portrait of an unknown maritime nation. New Abalonia is that sovereign Nation comprising all objects afloat beyond internationally recognized territorial limits and not formally recorded as autonomous vessels by a globally recognized seagoing power. These are immediately and irrevocably claimed by the […]



PARTICIPATION Mascot of Ceremonies: BounceBack Buzzy (performed by wabi’sloppy), as seen throughout soundpedro2022. Wabi’Sloppy (pronouns: dependent on code/context/comfort), is an artsy-ist and accomplished “artoiserist” whose eternal tinkering awaits total imperfection in the afterlife, where perfection happily can NOT… unless Endpoint be the everlasting present wherein imperfection has attained self-reflexive and perfected im. Until then… methodology is […]

Vedran Mehinovic

Vedran Mehinovic

PARTICIPATION Morning Rumble Morning Rumble is an ambient work entirely created from Norwegian birdsong, and lasting over an hour. I was drawn to the contrast between the high chirps and low, rapid rumble of wings. These elements stretch to massive proportions in the piece, and inform the structure of the soundscape. Vedran Mehinovic was born in […]

Vav Vavrek

Vav Vavrek

PARTICIPATION somber calls of the end times A small intimate sculpture with a screen and headphones playing audio. Vav Vavrek earned his MFA in Sculpture / 4D from California State University at Long Beach and is currently a PhD student in Media Study with the University at Buffalo where he is applying research into affect theory, […]



PARTICIPATION Right and Left imBalance The piece consists of two sculptural forms that are abstractions of physical entities which communicate with each other and respond to the viewer. The forms are made of mixed media materials featuring translucent weavings that react to the audio through light and contain sensors that allow them to interact with […]

Tim Maxeiner

Tim Maxeiner

PARTICIPATION Rubber-Letting on Pacific Avenue Spinning barber poles to the North and South,in-between cars burning out,blood-letting vs rubber-letting,both believing in therapeutic reason Tim Maxeiner (b.1986) worked in the documentary field for television and print media before developing an art practice.He creates illuminated objects, assemblages and kinetic sculptures from discarded materials which are his primary medium. Tim […]