Shuttle Audioscapes 2020

parking Shuttle [audioscapes]

For soundpedro 2020, artists were invited to submit audio soundscapes to be played on shuttle buses from overflow parking areas. As part of the SITE UNSEEN virtual tour of the installation sites in which soundpedro artists could not exhibit because of COVID-19, the audioscapes are presented in this soundpedro2020schizophonia video collage.

Playlist (Start time of each video segment. Full video length 19:28)
Can You Hear Me Worrying Over the Airwaves? (00:20) Andrew Mandinach
Moments (03:59) Electric Sound Bath
castle on a cloud – cc 04 (08:54) i.a.bericochea
Untitled for soundpedro (12:43) Jeremy Harbin
Espéces Perdues (17:17) WTCHCVLT

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