“Vibration I” is his solo foray into the communication of audio-physical interactions.
Vibration is an interactive work consisting of an electronic synthesizer connected to two speakers and two vibrating mirrors connected to the keyboard outputs. Lasers reflecting on the vibrating mirrors and projecting onto white screens will give a visual indication of the mirrors’ motion.

Tom Pine is a sound and lighting installation creator who explores the physical nature of sound. Vibration I plays in the intersection of sound and vision to illuminate the physical.
He was the power, sound, and lighting lead on the organ which started as an installation in The Church Trap Honorarium Installation at Burning Man 2013, became the Celestial Organ at Long Beach Sound Walk in 2013, returned to Burning Man 2015 as an installation in the Man base and was permanently installed at Burning Man Headquarters in San Francisco.
He designed, fabricated, and installed the power and lighting for the MUCARO honorarium installation at Burning Man 2017.