Terry Braunstein

Terry Braunstein

Terry Braunstein’s exhibitions, collections, commissions, public art, awards include: Centre Pompidou and Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris; Gallery Miyazaki, Japan; LA County Museum of Art; Sala Arcs gallery, Barcelona; Museo Civico, Italy, Long Beach Museum of Art; Centro Andaluz de la Fotografia, Spain; Craig Krull Gallery, Santa Monica; Washington Project for the Arts in Washington D.C; Franklin Furnace, NY; Getty Center; National Museum of American Art; Corcoran Gallery of Art; Library of Congress; LA County Museum of Art; Los Angeles MTA; Long Beach Transit; National Endowment for the Arts; City of Los Angeles (COLA) Cultural Affairs Arts Fellowship

Artist Location: Long Beach, CA

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On-site event June 1st

Talisperson co-design with Marcuccio de Andreis: talis’seraph.

On-site Event June 3rd

and as seen throughout soundpedro2023
The Mingler [a.k.a The Mɪŋɡ(ə)l’r] Mascot of Ceremonies

Collage vivant by Terry Braunstein.
Each year, the Mascot of Ceremonies wears a costume that features the soundpedro theme for the year.  This year’s soundpedro’s Mascot of Ceremonies is titled “The Mingler.”  He is both a conjurer and a talisman, representing soundpedro’s social and acoustical aspirations towards mingling in a world forever changed by COVID.  During the pandemic, not only were soundpedro artists separated from one another, but so were their sounds.

The Mingler’s costume consists of representations of a myriad of sound-related visual objects, all mingling together.

On-site Event June 4th

and as seen throughout soundpedro2022

soundpedro2022 mascot: BOUNCEBACK BUZZY
By Terry Braunstein

Marco’s Mascot of Ceremonies costume for soundpedro this year builds on this year’s theme of soundwaves and reverberations. We wanted to proclaim that in this year’s soundpedro, we are no longer the disembodied voices of Zoom, but full-throated live apparatuses, loud-hailing sounds of every kind. 

As for the name, Bounceback Buzzy, there are two aspects of its derivation. The word “bounceback” is defined, and has been used in crossword clues, as “echo” and “deflection.” In mythology, the nymph Echo was a disembodied voice deprived of the ability to sound out before anything else had sounded or to remain silent in the presence of sound. As for “Buzzy”, it derives from Buzzy Boop. Separated as Echo’s voice was from herself, so was Betty Boop’s signature “Boop-Oop-a-Doop” from its inventor Harlem Jazz singer Ester Lee Jones. Her scat- style singing was appropriated by Fleischer Studios, creator of Betty Boop cartoons, which in 1938 introduced the character of Buzzy Boop, Betty’s noisy tomboy cousin. 

So as soundpedro celebrates our “bounceback” into a post-pandemic world, the Mascot of Ceremonies will reflect all of its renewed sonority and richness.

EARMAN, as seen throughout soundpedro2021


Terry Braunstein

I have long appreciated artists’ costumes, such as those of Marc Chagall but have never been drawn to the medium myself. When “Marco Schindelmann” and I collaborated in 2019, I created a simple costume About Time. “Marco” called himself a “collage vivante” (living collage), which I loved.

So, when I was approached about another such collaboration, I happily agreed. This incarnation of the Collage Vivante, Earman, was far more complicated and technically challenging. I was concerned about the wind at Angels Gate and wanted the costume to be both comfortable and sturdy. Also, I wanted it to address sound and listening directly, this in contrast to About Time which explored sound’s inverse.

I now feel that this medium has become one of my own and hope to do more collage vivantes in the future.

Collaboration: “Terry Braunstein” & Don’t Touch

One is unidirectional; the other is omnidirectional.
One sees; the other hears.
One gazes; the other listens.
One focuses; the other filters.
One appropriates; the other processes.
One is hierarchical; the other democratic.
One objectifies…
Etc., etc., etc.

Collaboration: Terry Braunstein & “Marco Schindelmann”

(Costume, assemblage, simulacrum)

“I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo. “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
Tolkien (The Fellowship of the Ring)

Terry Braunstein in collaboration with MLuM explores the theme of medicine and healthcare and the intersections between art and science, anatomy and technology, healing and dying. In addition to housing images, objects, and sound, the gallery space will also host an intervention by another soundpedro artist group.

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