Phoebe Barnum

Phoebe Barnum

PARTICIPATION “Cacophony consists of harsh often discordant sounds. These sounds are often meaningless and jumbled together. A Discordant series of harsh, unpleasant sound helps to convey disorder”. Barnum’s piece examines a linear juxtaposition of discordant sounds.  Then:The works of the French composer Iannis Xenakis and American born John Cage were both innovative and avant-garde. They […]


Pablo Bert

PARTICIPATION Performs as part of Synthlab. Pablo Bert is an electronic musician and mathematician from Long Beach. Pablo got his start as a chiptune/IDM DJ in 2003. Now he spends most of his time playing with synths and twiddling knobs. He prefers producing without a computer and plans to perform at PUMP for the first […]

Martin Espino

Martin Espino

PARTICIPATION Last year at SOUNDPEDRO, Martin Espino presented FUEGO, a work about the element of fire and the relationship to fire that humanity has had with it for millenia! This year, with the new work AGUA, the element and concept of “Water” will be explored sonically, visually. kinetically and nueralogically. This is a continuance of […]

Lowel Nickel

Lowell Nickel

PARTICIPATION “A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean” ~ The Lorax The industrial sounds of this working Los Angeles port does vary and waver. Very often the intrepid sea winds seem to carry that entire port clamor to an unknown elsewhere. This prevailing ocean blown air compresses as it […]

Jesse Nason

Jesse Nason

PARTICIPATION Performs as part of Synthlab. Jesse Nason is a California native that has been playing keyboards and drums in various bands in the OC/LA area, including Deccatree, AM and currently with Perfect Beings. He is a collector of sounds, and modular is the next target on the checklist. Some of his influences for synth […]

Harold Greene

PARTICIPATION Performance Harold Greene, the noted furniture maker, is also a multi-instrumentalist. The long time San Pedro resident plays original contemporary jazz on the Chapman Stick, a ten-stringed instrument that is played by tapping on the fret board. He accompanies himself, with the aid of a loop pedal, on the cajon (box drum), bass and […]

Francene Kaplan

Francene Kaplan

PARTICIPATION On a regular basis, using household percussion elements, I play with other people doing live improvisation performances at various venues and experimental sound and music events. My signature is using Bundt pans and a variety of pots, bowls, and sonic objects. When struck, these repurposed objects produce sounds ranging from melodic to chaotic. I […]

Faraday Cage

Faraday Cage

PARTICIPATION Performs as part of Synthlab. Matt Pogue has been wrangling electricity with his guitar for three decades. Now he does it with other machines as well.

Glenn Bach

Glenn Bach

PARTICIPATION “Atlas Angels Gate” is a re-visitation of a performance Bach curated in 2007 featuring improvised soundtracks to a short film created from data collected on the grounds of Angels Gate Cultural Center. The new performance will sample audio and visual information from that 2007 event, along with material collected at SoundPedro 2017 and new […]

Dillon Bastan

Dillon Bastan

PARTICIPATION Dillon Bastan creates interactive and immersive experiences with various media, but always involving sound. He is passionate in exploring new technologies and ideas so to develop more inspiring and innovative works. Social Media: