PARTICIPATION Electronic Possession is a Sound Art work based in an imaginary Sci-Fiction movie where machines are possessed by an some kind of supernatural entity. The work was made using several tools and techniques such as MAX/MSP programming, Midi sonification and Pink Trombone human voice synthesizer missuse. The work deals with glitch art, humour and […]
Category Archives: Artists 2022
Amy Melissa Reed
PARTICIPATION Online video October 14th: Listening with my father This project is a meditation on navigating my father’s rapid loss of hearing and collaborating together as a improviser and composer and listeners. My father has worked with heavy machinery most his life, loves music, and loves to listen to and to tell stories. Navigating hearing […]
Amanda Maciel Antunes
PARTICIPATION Online video September 4th: Where We Go From Here & Performance For Two Where We Go From HereHow does the perceived permanence or temporality of our location affect us? Where We Go From Here is a film and performance intended to recreate the experience of being in different places at the same time. Where […]
Amabelle Aguiluz
PARTICIPATION Sound performance October 1st: Agî Amabelle Aguiluz will offer Agî, a sound performance, within her art installation at Flux Art Space, Long Beach.Agî (meaning current), will explore how water heals the body and mind. The project focuses on harmonic frequencies of water sounds that can alter states of consciousness, inclining the mind toward calm, […]
Alexandros Hadjitimotheou
PARTICIPATION Riverphonics While making this piece i was thinking about the importance of water for human life. Our body is full of water, we wash our self with water, we put fountains in central parks, the flow of a river keeps us calm and when we want to forget we go to the sea. As […]
Akari Komura
PARTICIPATION Breathe with the Wind Breathe with the Wind is a site-specific sound installation/sound ceremony that explores the ultimate dimension of intimacy with the earth. The work engages to curate a contemplative space for the participants to find an awareness or closer relation to nature. In particular, the air element is symbolic to the work […]
Aglaíze Damasceno
PARTICIPATION my friends Sound poem with the abstract reading of the name of some of my friends. Multidisciplinary artist. Researches and carries out projects in arts, visual languages, musical culture and sound arts. Artist Location: Juazeiro do Norte / Ceará – Brazil Social Media:
PARTICIPATION The Place (where all things begin and all things meet their end) Recently our interest has been focused on the meditative potential of the embodied experience of sound. For this project we would like the experience of the sounds we produce to be felt with the listener’s whole body, not just their ears. If […]
Jacob Wolff
PARTICIPATION Online videos September 12th: Rebar Study Negotiating the balance of the rebar while trying to move ones hands and fingers to change the pitch. Tennis (Excerpt from Ribs, Act II) A real time emotional analysis/ acoustic processing of a live game of tennis. Excerpt from “Ribs”, Act 2. Jacob Wolff’s work and practice is […]
Alex Hawthorn
PARTICIPATION Sound Sails “Sound Sails” uncovers and amplifies the hidden sounds generated by the natural world as wind passes through man-made contraptions. Three separate wind vanes, each constructed from a different material (wood, steel, and PVC plastic), catch and respond to the wind in their own unique way. These sculptural objects act as studies on […]