Virtual BreakOut During the OutBreak Videos [VBODOBV]
During June, four dates, significant in the lives of artists, as well as moments, connected to aurality and/or sound art, have been selected to feature videos, dealing with diverse themes and ideas, by soundpedro2020 artists.
June 11th: Ornette Coleman died at 85, June 11, 2015. He resounded across the discursive terrain of aural art, bending music towards pure sonification, as evidenced by his inclusion in proto and early sound installations, as well as being regarded a forebearer by many sound artists.
The first group of artists, to have been shown in Gallery A: Upstairs.
Through their participation in soundpedro2020schizophonia, these digital artists are perceived and contextualized by the curators as boundary crossing into sound art.
Playlist (Start time of each video segment. Full video length 24:17)
Simple Harmonic Motion 5R (00:09) Memo Akten
Paradigm Shift (03:29) Bonnie Mitchell & Elainie Lillios
Terabyte Psychedelics (09:31) Victor Acevedo
Awakened Silence (12:52) Rachel Dickey
Sweeping Memories (16:08) Bonnie Mitchell & Elainie Lillios
Acevedo + J3m5 @ LACDA May 25, 2019 (19:34) Victor Acevedo