Sam Anthem

Sam Anthem

Sam Anthem is a sound and performance artist who approaches art and life as a fool and a guest: a fool because they are critical of status quo knowing; a guest because they walk on land and move through space that is never their own. Accordingly, as an artist who unclaims and resists “craft” and “mastery,” they platform agencies of (other) affects, collaborators, species, and materials.

Artist Location: Chicago, Illinois

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On-site event June 1st

Woodwind Windmill and Botanical Telephone Line

earmaginations [silent videos] On-site June 1st and online June 9th

Drum Kit

UnƧightly [Sound Poetry]

Collaboration with Lorenzo Osterheim

Funeral in my Brain” is an adaptation/fragmentation of Emily Dickinson’s poem, “I Felt a Funeral in my Brain.” We use the poem as a frame to make sense of the experience of undergoing an MRI and viewing these images of one’s insides. Accordingly, we’ve mapped the poem and a real MRI image of one of the artist’s body on top of their body, and then perform the poem in harmony with electronic sounds imitating, mutating, and relating to the sounds produced by an MRI machine.

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